iE-DAP elicits a NOD1 response

Stable Identifier
Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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Early studies suggested that NOD1 and NOD2 responded to lipopolysaccharides (LPS), but this was later shown to be due to contamination of LPS with bacterial peptidoglycans (PGNs), the true elicitor for NODs. It is generally believed that PGNs bind NOD1 though this remains to be formally demonstrated. NOD1 senses PGN moieties with a minimal dipeptide structure of D-gamma-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (iE-DAP), which is unique to PGN structures from all Gram-negative bacteria and certain Gram-positive bacteria, including the genus Listeria and Bacillus. Attachment of acyl residues enhances NOD1 stimulation several hundred fold, possibly by facilitating PGN entry into the cell (Hasegawa et al. 2007).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
12796777 An essential role for NOD1 in host recognition of bacterial peptidoglycan containing diaminopimelic acid

Qiu, S, Kawasaki, A, Mak, TW, Nunez, G, Inohara, N, Valvano, MA, Horie, Y, Masumoto, J, Kusumoto, S, Chamaillard, M, Foster, SJ, Ogura, Y, Hashimoto, M, Saab, L, Fukase, K

Nat Immunol 2003
12791997 Nod1 detects a unique muropeptide from gram-negative bacterial peptidoglycan

Jéhanno, M, Girardin, SE, Viala, J, Philpott, DJ, Bertin, J, Tedin, K, Coyle, AJ, Labigne, A, Carneiro, LA, Boneca, IG, Zähringer, U, Taha, MK, Antignac, A, DiStefano, PS, Sansonetti, PJ

Science 2003
Orthologous Events
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