p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:PER1 gene [nucleoplasm]

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
9333243 Circadian oscillation of a mammalian homologue of the Drosophila period gene

Sakaki, Y, Fukuhara, C, Okamura, H, Ozawa, R, Hirose, M, Shigeyoshi, Y, Tei, H

Nature 1997
9427249 Two period homologs: circadian expression and photic regulation in the suprachiasmatic nuclei

Zylka, MJ, Reppert, SM, Kolakowski LF, Jr, Shearman, LP, Weaver, DR

Neuron 1997
14750904 Phosphorylation of clock protein PER1 regulates its circadian degradation in normal human fibroblasts

Ishida, N, Nagase, T, Ohara, O, Miyazaki, K, Narukawa, J, Mesaki, M

Biochem J 2004
17994337 Activation of human period-1 by PKA or CLOCK/BMAL1 is conferred by separate signal transduction pathways

Maronde, E, Cadenas, C, Motzkus, D, Vinson, C, Loumi, S, Forssmann, WG

Chronobiol Int 2007
This entity regulates
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