Response of Mtb to phagocytosis

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) encounters a vastly changed environment shortly after being internalized by macrophages. The compartment it resides in, the phagosome, is acidified and devoid of important metal ions and is flooded with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Steps will be soon taken by the macrophage to "mature" the phagosome with all kinds of lysosomal digestive enzymes. However, unlike most other bacteria species, Mtb has evolved solutions to each of these threats. As a last resort to a strong immune response, some bacteria will enter a dormant state (de Chastellier 2009, Flannagan et al. 2009). To what extent this is true is still unclear (McDaniel et al. 2016). Upon weakening of the immune defense, Mtb reawakens from its dormant state and starts to multiply inside the phagocyte (Repasy et al. 2013).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
23436998 Intracellular bacillary burden reflects a burst size for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vivo

Kotton, DN, Repasy, T, Martinez, N, Hendricks, G, Kornfeld, H, Kirschner, DE, Marino, S, Wilson, AA, Baker, S, Lee, J

PLoS Pathog. 2013
27379030 Quantifying Limits on Replication, Death, and Quiescence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Mice

Eda, S, Ganusov, VV, Krishna, N, McDaniel, MM, Handagama, WG

Front Microbiol 2016
19369951 Antimicrobial mechanisms of phagocytes and bacterial evasion strategies

Cosio, G, Grinstein, S, Flannagan, RS

Nat Rev Microbiol 2009
19261352 The many niches and strategies used by pathogenic mycobacteria for survival within host macrophages

de Chastellier, C

Immunobiology 2009
Event Information
Name Identifier Synonyms
tuberculosis DOID:399 tuberculous abscess, Tuberculoma (finding), tuberculoma
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