ILF3 and HOXC8 bind CDH11 gene promoter

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Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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ILF3 (Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3) binds to two out of four putative ILF3 binding sites in the CDH11 gene promoter, at positions -2982 to -2978, and -2602 to -2598 upstream from the start site. HOXC8 (Homeobox protein Hox-C8) co-occupies the CDH11 promoter with ILF3, and HOXC8 and ILF3 cooperatively promote CDH11 transcription (Zhang et al. 2017). HOXC8 binds to the CDH11 gene promoter at the position -196 to -191, which is one of the three putative HOX protein-binding sequences in the CDH11 promoter (Li et al. 2014). Mouse Hoxc8 was also shown to bind to the mouse Cdh11 gene promoter (Lei et al. 2006) and upregulate mouse Cdh11 gene transcription (Lei et al. 2005, Lei et al. 2006).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
24810778 HOXC8 promotes breast tumorigenesis by transcriptionally facilitating cadherin-11 expression

Huang, S, Li, Y, Liu, D, Chao, F, Kim, J, Huang, B

Oncotarget 2014
29296180 Interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 and HOXC8 co-activate cadherin 11 transcription to promote breast cancer cells proliferation and migration

Gong, C, Li, Y, Zhang, M, Kai, Y, Zhang, J, Yang, C, Zhang, Y, Zou, J, Liu, H, Xu, S

Oncotarget 2017
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