Hoxb4 gene is transcribed

Stable Identifier
Reaction [omitted]
Mus musculus
SVG |   | PPTX  | SBGN
Hoxb4 gene is transcribed
The Hoxb4 gene is transcribed to yield mRNA (Whiting et al. 1991, Morrison et al. 1997, Gould et al. 1998, Sharpe et al. 1998, Folberg et al. 1999, Pitera et al. 1999, Brend et al. 2003). Hoxb4 mRNA is observed in rhombomere 7, paraxial mesoderm of somite 7, and caudally (Whiting et al. 1991, Brend et al. 2003).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
9272954 HOXD4 and regulation of the group 4 paralog genes

Krumlauf, R, Featherstone, M, Morrison, A, Gould, A, Ariza-McNaughton, L

Development 1997
9501100 Selectivity, sharing and competitive interactions in the regulation of Hoxb genes

Krumlauf, R, Nonchev, S, Gould, A, Sharpe, J, Whiting, J

EMBO J. 1998
9697850 Initiation of rhombomeric Hoxb4 expression requires induction by somites and a retinoid pathway

Krumlauf, R, Gould, A, Itasaki, N

Neuron 1998
10579975 Coordinated expression of 3' hox genes during murine embryonal gut development: an enteric Hox code

Thorogood, P, Milla, PJ, Smith, VV, Pitera, JE

Gastroenterology 1999
12736215 Multiple levels of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation are required to define the domain of Hoxb4 expression

Rigby, PW, Brend, T, Summerbell, D, Gilthorpe, J

Development 2003
10373014 RARbeta mediates the response of Hoxd4 and Hoxb4 to exogenous retinoic acid

Featherstone, MS, Giguère, V, Folberg, A, Nagy Kovács, E, Luo, J

Dev. Dyn. 1999
1682218 Multiple spatially specific enhancers are required to reconstruct the pattern of Hox-2.6 gene expression

Krumlauf, R, Marshall, H, Allemann, RK, Cook, M, Rigby, PW, Stott, D, Whiting, J

Genes Dev. 1991
This event is regulated
Orthologous Events
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