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Julia Brasch

Depatment of Biochemisty, University of Utah
Reviewed Pathways (8)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2023-05-16 R-HSA-9759476 Regulation of Homotypic Cell-Cell Adhesion BibTex
2023-05-16 R-HSA-9764260 Regulation of Expression and Function of Type II Classical Cadherins BibTex
2023-05-16 R-HSA-9833576 CDH11 homotypic and heterotypic interactions BibTex
2023-04-18 R-HSA-9764302 Regulation of CDH19 Expression and Function BibTex
2023-04-18 R-HSA-9759475 Regulation of CDH11 Expression and Function BibTex
2023-04-18 R-HSA-9759811 Regulation of CDH11 mRNA translation by microRNAs BibTex
2023-04-18 R-HSA-9762293 Regulation of CDH11 gene transcription BibTex
2023-04-18 R-HSA-9762292 Regulation of CDH11 function BibTex
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