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Kasper B Hansen

Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Montana
Reviewed Reactions (91)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9617326 CALM1:4xCa2+ binds GluN1:GluN2 (GRIN1:GRIN2) NMDA receptors and displaces ACTN2 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9617322 Calm1:4xCa2+ binds GluN1:GluN2 (Grin1:Grin2) NMDA receptors and displaces Actn2 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619449 PPM1F dephosphorylates p-T286-CaMKII BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619459 Ppm1f dephosphorylates p-T286-CaMKII-alpha BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619467 PPM1F dephosphorylates CAMK1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619472 Ppm1f dephosphorylates Camk1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619430 PPM1E dephosphorylates CAMK4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619441 Ppm1e dephosphorylates Camk4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619515 AMPK phosphorylates MAPT BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619534 AMPK phosphorylates Mapt BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619542 AMPK negatively regulates binding of MAPT to microtubules BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619539 AMPK-negatively regulates binding of MAPT to microtubules BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619478 CAMKK2 phosphorylates AMPK BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619488 Camkk2 phosphorylates AMPK BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9618750 CaMKII phosphorylates AMPA receptor BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9620437 Camk2 phosphorylates GluA1 (Gria1) BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9618811 Calcium binds calmodulin at the synapse BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618816 Calcium binds calmodulin at the synapse BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9612085 SRC phosphorylates GluN2 (GRIN2) subunits of NMDARs BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9612145 Src phosphorylates GluN2 (Grin2) subunits of NMDARs BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9618785 Calmodulin binds neurogranin BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-445367 CaMKII binds activated NMDA receptor BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618659 CaMKII binds activated GluN1:GluN2B (Grin1:Grin2b) NMDA receptor BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619803 p-S516-ARHGEF7 activates RAC1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619811 p-S516-Arhgef7 activates Rac1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619783 CAMK1 phosphorylates ARHGEF7-1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619772 Camk1 phosphorylates Arhgef7 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619367 CaMKKs phosphorylate CAMK1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619413 CAMKK2 phosphorylates Camk1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619396 CAMKK1 phosphorylates CAMK1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619355 CaMKK autophosphorylates in the cytosol BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619214 CaMKK binds activated calmodulin in the cytosol BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619243 Camkk1 binds activated calmodulin in the cytosol BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619239 Camkk2 binds activated calmodulin in the cytosol BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619376 CAMK1 binds calmodulin BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442732 NMDA-activated RASGRF1 activates RAS BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9617449 Rasgrf1 promotes activation of HRAS BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9029434 p-S363,S380,T573 RS6K translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-432162 Unblocking of GRIN1:GRIN2 NMDA receptors BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9614351 Unblocking of Grin1:Grin2 NMDA receptors BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-438037 Membrane depolarization upon activation of Ca impermeable AMPA receptors BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-432164 Ca2+ influx into the post-synaptic cell BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-432172 Glycine and glutamate ligands bind GRIN1:GRIN2 NMDA receptor BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618605 CaMKII binds activated calmodulin BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442725 CaMKII binds activated calmodulin BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618616 CaMKII autophosphorylates BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9617583 CaMKII autophosphorylates BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618839 CaM-bound CaMKII-gamma enters the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-444792 Calmodulin-bound CaMKII-gamma enters the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9618855 Activated calmodulin dissociates from CaMKII gamma BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9618834 Activated calmodulin dissociates from CaMKII-gamma BibTex
2018-11-02 R-MMU-9619130 Camk4 binds Kpna2 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619127 CAMK4 binds KPNA2 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-MMU-9619142 Camk4 enters the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-112282 CAMK4 enters the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-379960 Calmodulin binds CaMK IV BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111913 Calmodulin binds CAMK4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9618897 CAMKK2 binds activated calmodulin in the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9618916 Camkk1 binds activated calmodulin in the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9618863 CaMKK binds activated calmodulin in the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442749 CaMKK autophosphorylates in the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619177 Camkk2 phosphorylates CAMK4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9619165 Camkk1 phosphorylates Camk4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619125 CaMKK phosphorylates CAMK4 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111915 CAMK4 autophosphorylates BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-379832 CaMKIV phosphorylates Creb1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111912 CaMK4 phosphorylates CREB1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-BTA-74447 Calcium binds calmodulin BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9617436 Rasgrf1 oligomers bind GluN1:GluN2B (Grin1:Grin2b) di-heterotetramers BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442760 Activation of RasGRF BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9619973 MAPK1 phosphorylates Rps6ka1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9619843 ERKs phosphorylate RSKs BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9620003 Rps6ka1 autophosphorylates BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9620004 RSKs autophosphorylate BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9620024 PDPK1 phosphorylates Rps6ka2 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442739 PDPK1 phosphorylates RSKs BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442724 Phosphorylation of CREB1 by ribosomal protein S6 kinases (RSKs) BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-8951727 cAMP binds PKA tetramer BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111925 cAMP induces dissociation of inactive PKA tetramers BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-379836 PKA catalytic subunit translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111924 PKA catalytic subunit translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9617570 Activated calmodulin binds ADCY1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9617562 Activated calmodulin binds Adcy8 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9617535 Activated calmodulin binds ADCY1,ADCY8 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9617504 Calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclases Adcy1 and Adcy8 generate cAMP BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-442715 Calmodulin-activated adenylate cyclases ADCY1 and ADCY8 generate cAMP BibTex
2018-11-02 R-NUL-9615367 Prkaca phosphorylates Creb1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-111919 PKA phosphorylates CREB1 BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9614228 Mg2+ binds Grin1:Grin2 NMDA receptors BibTex
2018-11-02 R-HSA-9614185 Mg2+ binds GRIN1:GRIN2 NMDA receptors BibTex
2018-11-02 R-RNO-9614350 Glycine and glutamate ligands bind Grin1:Grin2a NMDA receptor BibTex
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