John M Aletta

Reviewed Pathways (2/2)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9031628 NGF-stimulated transcription BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9619665 EGR2 and SOX10-mediated initiation of Schwann cell myelination BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/82)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9612076 p-4S, T366 ELK1:SRF bind EGR1 and EGR2 gene promoters BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9616367 NAB2 binds EGR1 to repress CDK5R1 gene expression BibTex
2020-01-17 R-NUL-9616362 NAB2 binds Egr1 at the Cdk5r1 promoter BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9612073 NGF- and MAPK-dependent EGR1, EGR2 and EGR4 expression BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9613219 RRAD gene expression BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9621054 REST binds the VGF promoter BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9619838 ARC binds DNM2 and SH3GL3 BibTex
2020-01-17 R-RNO-9619853 Arc binds Sh3gl3 and Dnm2 BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9621048 TPH1 gene expression BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9621032 EGR1 binds the TPH1 promoter BibTex
2020-01-17 R-RNO-9621024 Egr1 binds the Tph1 promoter BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9612534 Expression of ID2 and ID4 is repressed by EGR2:NAB BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9613476 EGR2:NAB2 and CHD4 bind the ID2 and ID4 promoter regions BibTex
2020-01-17 R-HSA-9616368 MyrG-CDK5R1,2 bind CDK5 BibTex
2020-01-17 R-RNO-9616370 MyrG-Cdk5r1(2-307) binds Cdk5 BibTex
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