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Nicholas J Gay

University of Cambridge, Department of Biochemistry
Reviewed Reactions (36)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168053 Phosphorylated MAPKs phosphorylate ATF-2 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166362 Dissociation of hp-IRAK1:TRAF6 from the activated TLR:oligo-Myd88:TIRAP:p-IRAK4 complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166363 TRAF6 binds to hp- IRAK1 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166286 Multiple IRAK1 autophosphorylation steps BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166284 Second phosphorylation of IRAK1 by IRAK4 bound to activated TLR:MyD88:TIRAP BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166119 First phosphorylation of IRAK1 by IRAK4 bound to activated TLR:MyD88:Mal BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166091 IRAK1 or IRAK2 binds to the activated IRAK4 :activated TLR:MyD88:TIRAP complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166082 IRAK4 binds to the activated TLR receptor:TIRAP:MyD88 complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166072 MyD88 forms a complex with TIRAP:activated TLR2/4 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166041 Transfer of LPS onto TLR4 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166038 GPI-bound CD14 binds LPS BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166015 Association of LBP with LPS BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-169719 Secreted CD14 binds LPS BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-177692 Activation of recruited TAK1 within the activated TLR3 complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-177690 Activated TLR3:TRIF:K63pUb-TRAF6 recruits TAK1complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168929 Viral dsRNA:TLR3 recruits TRIF (TICAM1) BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168092 Viral dsRNA binds the Toll-Like Receptor 3 (TLR3) BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166175 TRAM:TLR4:LY96:LPS:CD14 recruits TRIF (TICAM1) BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168162 Phosphorylation of human JNKs by activated MKK4/MKK7 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-450292 Formation of Activated Protein 1 (AP-1) complex. cFOS/c-JUN heterodimer. BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168136 Activated JNKs phosphorylate c-JUN BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168930 Viral dsRNA:TLR3:TRIF complex recruits RIP1 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-9691204 TLR8 dimer binds TLR7, TLR8 ligands BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-167983 C-ter TLR7 dimer binds TLR7, TLR8 ligands BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168921 TRIF:activated TLR3/TLR4 complex recruits RIP1 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168440 Formation of Activated Protein 1 (AP-1) complex. ATF2/c-JUN heterodimer. BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166869 TRAF6 binds MEKK1 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-177671 Dimerized phospho-IRF3/IRF7 is transported to the nucleus BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168933 Dimerization of phosphorylated IRF3/IRF7 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166245 Phosphorylation of IRF-3/IRF7 and their release from the activated TLR complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166271 IRF3/IRF7 recruitment to p-TBK1/p-IKK epsilon bound to the activated TLR4 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-168915 K63-linked ubiquitination of RIP1 bound to the activated TLR complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-166168 TLR4:LY96:LPS:CD14 recruits TRAM (TICAM2) BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-9013979 IRF3/IRF7 recruitment to p-TBK1/p-IKK epsilon bound to the activated TLR3 BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-9013978 Phosphorylation of IRF-3/IRF7 and their release from the activated TLR3 complex BibTex
2006-04-24 R-HSA-9014342 K63-linked ubiquitination of RIP1 bound to the activated TLR complex BibTex
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