Sean Egan

University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics, The Hospital for Sick Children
Authored Pathways (6/6)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980143 Signaling by NOTCH1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-2122947 NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain Regulates Transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-2122948 Activated NOTCH1 Transmits Signal to the Nucleus BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912422 Pre-NOTCH Expression and Processing BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912399 Pre-NOTCH Processing in the Endoplasmic Reticulum BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912408 Pre-NOTCH Transcription and Translation BibTex
Authored Reactions (93/93)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2012-05-14 R-MMU-4395232 Ccnd1:Crebbp binds Notch1 promoter BibTex
2012-05-14 R-MMU-2247925 Notch1 gene transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980067 NOTCH1 stimulates MYC transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4396371 NOTCH1 Coactivator Complex binds MYC promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912394 NICD1 in complex with RBPJ (CSL) recruits MAML BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912388 NICD1 displaces co-repressor complex from RBPJ (CSL) BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980074 Ubiquitination of DLL/JAG ligands upon binding to NOTCH1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912353 Glucosylation of Pre-NOTCH by POGLUT1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912349 Fucosylation of Pre-NOTCH by POFUT1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912413 NOTCH2 mRNA translation controlled by miRNAs BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912407 NOTCH2 gene transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912412 NOTCH1 mRNA translation controlled by miRNAs BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912416 NOTCH1 gene transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4395227 CCND1:CREBBP binds NOTCH1 promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4395231 E2F1/3:DP1/2 binds NOTCH1 promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912409 NOTCH3 mRNA translation controlled by miRNAs BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912415 NOTCH3 gene transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912410 NOTCH4 mRNA translation controlled by miRNAs BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912401 NOTCH4 gene transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-1986584 Fucosylation of Pre-Notch by POFUT1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2023179 Glucosylation of Pre-Notch by Poglut1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2032750 Sel1l negatively regulates Pre-Notch exit from endoplasmic reticulum BibTex
2011-11-14 R-DME-2032746 Rab6 positively regulates Notch trafficking through Golgi BibTex
2011-11-14 R-DME-1984022 Endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPases positively regulate Notch precursor trafficking BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2053963 Notch1 binds Jag1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912379 Transport of fringe-modified NOTCH to plasma membrane BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912372 Fringe-modified Pre-NOTCH is cleaved by FURIN BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912378 Sialylation of Pre-NOTCH BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912352 Galactosylation of Pre-NOTCH BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912355 Glycosylation of Pre-NOTCH by FRINGE BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2023158 Glycosylation of Pre-Notch by Fringe BibTex
2011-11-14 R-CGR-2032355 Galactosylation of Pre-Notch BibTex
2011-11-14 R-CGR-2033005 Sialylation of Pre-Notch BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2053938 Dll4 binds Notch1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-RNO-2050606 Dll1 binds Notch1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2063915 ADAM17 cleaves Notch1 at S2 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2064264 NICD1 displaces NCOR co-repressor complex from CSL BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980047 NOTCH1 stimulates HES1 transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4396347 NOTCH1 Coactivator Complex binds HES1 promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-4396363 mNICD1 Chimeric Enhancer Complex binds Hes1 promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065278 mNICD1 stimulates Hes1 transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980078 NOTCH1 stimulates HES5 transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4396379 NOTCH1 Coactivator Complex binds HES5 promoter BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912396 NICD1 binds HIF1A BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065560 mNICD1 binds HIF1A BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1852623 Ubiquitination of NICD1 by FBWX7 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912385 Phosphorylated NICD1 binds FBXW7 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912391 NICD1 is phosphorylated by CDK8 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912393 MAML in complex with NICD1 recruits CDK8 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2064916 MAML recruits CDK8:CCNC to xNICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065178 CDK8 phosphorylates xNICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2064853 FBXW7 binds phosphorylated NICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2064883 FBXW7 mediates ubiquitination of phosphorylated NICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912359 HES1 binds TLE BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065510 rHes1 binds TLE BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4396382 NOTCH1 Coactivator Complex binds promoters of HEY genes BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-4396387 mNOTCH1 coactivator complex bind promoters of Hey genes BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980065 NOTCH1 stimulates HEY transcription BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2065441 mNOTCH1 coactivator complex positively regulates transcription of Hey1, Hey2 and Heyl BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980125 ITCH binds DTX BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980122 DTX binds NOTCH1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980123 DTX recruits beta-arrestin (ARRB) to NOTCH BibTex
2011-11-14 R-DME-2071846 Deltex recruits Kurtz arrestin to Notch BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980118 ARRB mediates NOTCH1 ubiquitination BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2071858 Kurtz promotes ubiquitination of Notch BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980112 Cleavage of DNER:NOTCH1 complex releases NICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912398 NOTCH1 binds DNER BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2066712 Dner binds Notch1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2067638 Gamma secretase cleaves Dner:Notch1 complex BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-373706 Contactin-1 (CNTN1) binds NOTCH1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065812 Notch1 binds Cntn1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980109 Cleavage of CNTN1:NOTCH1 complex releases NICD1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2065902 Gamma secretase complex cleaves Cntn1-actived Notch1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980138 NOTCH1 binds DLL/JAG ligand in cis BibTex
2011-11-14 R-NUL-2076711 rDll1 binds NOTCH1 in cis BibTex
2011-11-14 R-DME-2076706 Serrate binds Notch in cis BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912357 ITCH ubiquitinates DTX BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980130 NOTCH1 binds DLK1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2071906 Notch1 binds Dlk1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1980128 NOTCH1 associates with negative regulators NUMB and ITCH BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2077477 Numb recruits Itch to Notch1 BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912386 Ubiquitination of NOTCH1 by ITCH in the absence of ligand BibTex
2011-11-14 R-MMU-2077479 Itch ubiquitinates Notch BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1606682 MIR34 microRNAs bind 3'UTR of NOTCH1 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912406 p53 positively regulates transcription of MIR34 microRNAs BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-4395236 TP53 binds promoters of MIR34 genes BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912368 MIR302A microRNA binds 3'UTR of NOTCH4 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912364 MIR181C microRNA binds 3'UTR of NOTCH4 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912367 MIR34 microRNAs bind 3'UTR of NOTCH2 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912366 MIR206 microRNA binds 3'UTR of NOTCH3 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912363 MIR200B/C microRNAs bind NOTCH1 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1912362 MIR150 microRNA binds 3'UTR of NOTCH3 mRNA BibTex
2011-11-14 R-HSA-1606561 MIR449 microRNAs bind 3'UTR of NOTCH1 mRNA BibTex
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