William Blaner

Reviewed Pathways (7/7)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2474795 Diseases associated with visual transduction BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-6809583 Retinoid metabolism disease events BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-975634 Retinoid metabolism and transport BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2187335 The retinoid cycle in cones (daylight vision) BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453902 The canonical retinoid cycle in rods (twilight vision) BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466712 Biosynthesis of A2E, implicated in retinal degradation BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453864 Retinoid cycle disease events BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/66)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2013-01-31 R-HSA-74101 Photons induce isomerization of 11c-retinyl to at-retinyl BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454118 11cRAL binds to opsin to form 11c-retinyl:RHO BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454113 RBP3 transports 11cRAL to rod photoreceptor outer segment BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454081 RDH5 oxidises 11cROL to 11cRAL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2454264 11cROL binds to RLBP1 to form RLBP1:11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453833 RPE65 isomero-hydrolyses atREs to 11cROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453855 LRAT esterifies RBP1:atROL and FACYLs to atREs BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-74843 atROL binds RBP1 to form RBP1:atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453863 STRA6 transports atROL from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2453876 TTR:RBP:atROL binds to STRA6 receptor BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464809 RBP3 regulates the transport of atROL from ROS to RPE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2464822 RDH12 reduces atRAL to atROL BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466718 NRPE dissociates to atRAL and PE BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466749 ABCA4 transports NRPE from photoreceptor outer segment membrane to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-31 R-HSA-2466846 atRAL can spontaneously react with PE to form NRPE BibTex
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