Lei He

Reviewed Pathways (35/35)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2013-07-16 R-HSA-3295583 TRP channels BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2672351 Stimuli-sensing channels BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-983712 Ion channel transport BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-936837 Ion transport by P-type ATPases BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879518 Transport of organic anions BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-804914 Transport of fatty acids BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549132 Organic cation/anion/zwitterion transport BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561048 Organic anion transport BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549127 Organic cation transport BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-425397 Transport of vitamins, nucleosides, and related molecules BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-83936 Transport of nucleosides and free purine and pyrimidine bases across the plasma membrane BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727802 Transport of nucleotide sugars BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442660 Na+/Cl- dependent neurotransmitter transporters BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-425410 Metal ion SLC transporters BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435354 Zinc transporters BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442380 Zinc influx into cells by the SLC39 gene family BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435368 Zinc efflux and compartmentalization by the SLC30 family BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433137 Sodium-coupled sulphate, di- and tri-carboxylate transporters BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433692 Proton-coupled monocarboxylate transport BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444411 Rhesus glycoproteins mediate ammonium transport. BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425393 Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427975 Proton/oligopeptide cotransporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427652 Sodium-coupled phosphate cotransporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427589 Type II Na+/Pi cotransporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425381 Bicarbonate transporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-426117 Cation-coupled Chloride cotransporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425986 Sodium/Proton exchangers BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428643 Organic anion transporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428559 Proton-coupled neutral amino acid transporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427601 Multifunctional anion exchangers BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425561 Sodium/Calcium exchangers BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425407 SLC-mediated transmembrane transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425366 Transport of bile salts and organic acids, metal ions and amine compounds BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429593 Inositol transporters BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-189200 Cellular hexose transport BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (170/170)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2013-07-16 R-HSA-9701141 TRPV1 transports Ca2+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2013-07-16 R-HSA-3295579 TRPs transport extracellular Ca2+ to cytosol BibTex
2013-07-16 R-HSA-9701055 TRPA1 tetramer transports Ca2+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2013-07-16 R-HSA-3295580 TRPM4,5 transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2744361 BESTs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2730664 UNC79:UNC80:NALCN transports Na+ extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2889070 SLC9B2 exchanges Na+ for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2682349 RAF1:SGK:TSC22D3:WPP ubiquitinates SCNN channels BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2855020 RYR tetramers transport Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum lumen to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2684901 ANOs transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2744228 CLCN1/2/KA/KB transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2731002 CLCN3 exchanges Cl- for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-MMU-2730951 Clcn3 exchanges Cl- for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2872444 SLC9B1/C2 exchange Na+ for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2872498 SLC17A3-1 cotransports extracellular Na+ and Pi to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2872497 SLC17A3-2 transports cytosolic urate to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2744242 TTYH2/3 transport cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-9659568 ANO1 transports cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2872463 SLC9C1 exchanges Na+ for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-MMU-2872452 Slc9c1 exchanges Na+ for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2671885 ASIC trimers:H+ transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-9650165 ASIC trimers bind H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2672334 SCNN channels transport extracellular Na+ to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2730959 CLCN7:OSTM1 exchanges Cl- for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2685505 TPCN1/2 transport lysosomal Ca2+ to cytosol BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2752067 BESTs transport cytosolic HCO3- to extracellular region BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2730692 CLCN4/5/6 exchange Cl- for H+ BibTex
2013-01-28 R-HSA-2744349 TTYH1 transports cytosolic Cl- to extracellular region BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-9648983 HTR3A pentamer:5HT transports Na+,K+,Ca2+ BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-975389 GLRA:GLRB:Gly transports extracellular Cl- to cytosol BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-975311 HTR3 pentamers:5HT transport Na+,K+,Ca2+ BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-9649108 HTR3A pentamer binds 5HT BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-975340 GABR heteropentamers:GABA transport Cl- from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-975449 GABRR pentamers:GABA transports extracellular Cl- to cytosol BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-427910 ATP2A1-3 transport Ca2+ from cytosol to ER lumen BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-947591 P-type ATPases type IV transport internal-facing APLs to external side of the plasma membrane BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-939763 P-type ATPases type IV transport external-facing APLs to internal side of the plasma membrane BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-9727198 ATP4A:ATP4B exchanges K+ for H+ BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-936802 ATP7A transports cytosolic Cu2+ to extracellular region BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-936897 ATP1A:ATP1B:FXYD exchanges 3Na+ for 2K+ BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-936895 ATP7B transports cytosolic Cu2+ to Golgi lumen BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-937311 ATP12A:ATP4B exchanges K+ for H+ BibTex
2010-11-15 R-HSA-936883 ATP2C1/2:Mg2+ transport cytosolic Ca2+ to Golgi lumen BibTex
2010-08-09 R-HSA-74723 Endosome acidification BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-9631987 SLCO1B1 transports T3,T4 from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879528 SLCO2A1 transports PGT substrates from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879562 SLCO2B1 has a narrow substrate specificity BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879594 SLCO4C1 mediates the transport of digoxin BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879575 SLCOs, SLC16A2 transport T3,T4 from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879584 SLCO3A1 isoform 1 has abroad substrate specificity BibTex
2010-07-07 R-HSA-879585 SLC27A1,4,6 transport LCFAs from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727807 SLC35A1 exchanges CMP-Neu5Ac for CMP BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-742345 SLC35C1 transport UDP-Fuc from cytosol to Golgi lumen BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-741450 SLC35A3 exchanges UDP-GlcNAc for UMP BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-735702 SLC35A2 exchanges UDP-Gal, UDP-GalNAc for UMP BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-742354 SLC35B4 mediates the transport of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into the Golgi lumen BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-744231 SLC35D2 exchanges UDP-GlcNAc for UMP BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-742373 SLC35B4 mediates the transport of UDP-xylose into the Golgi lumen BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561041 OAT1-3 transport organic anions with antiport of dicarboxylic acids BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561059 OAT2 and OAT4 mediate transport of sulphate conjugates BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561253 SLC22A12 exchanges extracellular urate for cytosolic LACT BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549304 OCT3 mediates renal clearance of organic cations BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561072 OCT3 mediates renal uptake of organic cations BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549129 OCT1 transports organic cations into hepatic cells BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549322 OCT1 transports organic cations out of hepatic cells BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549241 SLC22A4 cotransports ERGT, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-597628 SLC22A18 exchanges extracellular organic cations for cytosolic H+ BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-561054 OCT2 mediates tubular secretion of organic cations in the kidney BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549279 OCT2 mediates tubular uptake of organic cations in the kidney BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-549297 SLC22A4, 5,15,16 cotransport CAR, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109536 Equilibrative transport (import) of nucleosides and free bases by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109534 Equilibrative transport (export) of nucleosides and free bases by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109539 Concentrative transport (import) of nucleosides plus sodium ions by solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 2 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109538 Concentrative transport (import) of a nucleoside and two sodium ions by solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 3 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727749 SLC29A3 transports nucleosides from lysosomal lumen to cytosol BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727768 Equilibrative transport (export) of adenosine and biogenic amines by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 4 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109527 Equilibrative transport (import) of nucleosides and free bases by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 2 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109529 Equilibrative transport (export) of nucleosides and free bases by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 2 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727740 Equilibrative transport (import) of adenosine and biogenic amines by solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 4 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-109530 Concentrative transport (import) of a nucleoside and a sodium ions by solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 1 BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727767 SLC29A3 transports nucleosides from cytosol to lysosomal lumen BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-744230 SLC35D2 mediates the antiport of GDP-mannose in exchange for GMP BibTex
2010-05-10 R-HSA-727759 SLC33A1 transports Ac-CoA from cytosol to Golgi lumen BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444433 Cho transports from the extracellular space to the cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444007 GAT1-3 mediate Na+/Cl- dependent GABA transport BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435349 SLC11A2 cotransports Fe2+, H+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442368 SLC40A1:HEPH:6Cu2+ transports Fe2+ from cytosol to extracellular region BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-904830 SLC40A1:CP:6Cu2+ transports Fe2+ from cytosol to extracellular region BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435171 NRAMP1 transports divalent metal ions across phagosomal membranes of macrophages BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-374896 Uptake of Noradrenaline BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-9645220 SLC16A1:BSG cotransports monocarboxylates, H+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444100 PROT mediates L-proline uptake BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444160 VMAT1/2 can mediate the transport of biogenic amines BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-443997 SLC6A2 cotransports NAd, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444120 SLC6A5,9 cotransport Gly, Cl-, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-437300 SLC31A1 transports Cu2+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442661 SLC41A1,2 transport Mg2+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442422 SLC39A1-4 transports Zn2+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442405 hZIP5 mediates zinc uptake by cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-MMU-442319 mZIP5 mediates zinc uptake by cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442387 ZIP8 mediates zinc influx into cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442317 ZIP6 and ZIP14 mediate zinc influx into cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442393 ZIP7 mediates zinc efflux from the endoplasmic reticulum BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-442345 hZIP10 mediates zinc influx into cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-RNO-442359 rZip10 mediates zinc influx into cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435366 ZnT1 mediates the efflux of zinc from the cell BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-437139 ZnT8 transports zinc into the Golgi apparatus BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-437136 SLC30A8 transports Zn2+ from cytosol to secretory granule BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-435375 ZnT2 facilitates zinc vesicular sequestration BibTex
2009-11-12 R-RNO-437094 Znt2 facilitates zinc vesicular sequestration BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-437084 ZnT3 transports zinc into synaptic vesicles BibTex
2009-11-12 R-MMU-437092 Znt3 transports zinc into synaptic vesicles BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-437085 ZnT5 transports zinc into secretory granules in pancreatic beta cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433089 SOAT can transport taurolithocholate-3-sulphate BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433104 NACT co-transports trivalent citrate and a sodium ion BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433101 NaDC3 co-transports the dicarboxylic acid succinate and three sodium ion BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433114 NaS1 co-transports sulphate and a sodium ion BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433099 NaS2 co-transports sulphate and two sodium ions BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433131 NaDC1 co-transports dicarboxylic acids and a sodium ion BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444126 HUT2 and HUT11 mediate urea transport in kidney and erythrocytes respectively BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-433698 SLC16A3,7,8 cotransport monocarboxylates, H+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-434650 MATEs mediate extrusion of xenobiotics BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-446278 RhBG mediates ammonium influx into kidney collecting duct cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444419 RhBG mediates ammonium effflux out of kidney collecting duct cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-446277 RhCG mediates ammonium efflux out of kidney collecting duct cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444393 RhCG mediates ammonium influx into kidney collecting duct cells BibTex
2009-11-12 R-HSA-444416 RHAG transports NH4+ from cytosol to extracellular region (red blood cells) BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429594 SLC5A7 cotransports Cho, Cl-, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428007 Proton-coupled histidine and di-peptide cotransport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427998 Proton-coupled di- and tri-peptide cotransport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427645 SLC34A3 cotransports Pi, 2Na+ BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427656 SLC34A1,2 cotransports Pi, 3Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427605 SLC20A1,2 cotransport Pi, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425482 SLC4A1,2,3 exchanges HCO3- for Cl- BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425483 SLC4A5,7,9 cotransport Na+ with 3HCO3- BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425577 Na+-driven Cl-/HCO3- exchanger transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-426086 SLC12A1,2 cotransports Na+, K+, 2Cl- from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-426130 SLC12A3 cotransports Cl-, Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-426155 SLC12A4,5,6,7 cotransport K+, Cl- from cytosol to extracellular region BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425983 SLC9A6,7 exchange Na+ for H+ across the early endosome membrane BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-426015 Na+/H+ exchanger transport (at trans-golgi membrane) BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425965 SLC9A9 exchanges Na+ for H+ across the late endosome membrane BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425994 Na+/H+ exchanger transport (at cell membrane) BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429591 SLC5A5 cotransports Na+ with I- from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429767 Passive I- efflux mediated by SMCT1 BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428052 SLC17A6,7,8 exchange cytosolic L-Glu for synaptic vesicle H+ BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429749 SLC5A8 transports monocarboxylates from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428609 Type I Na+-coupled phosphate co-transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428585 SLC17A5 cotransports Neu5Ac, H+ from lysosomal lumen to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428015 SLC1A1,2,3,6,7 cotransport L-Glu,L-Asp,D-Asp,H+,3Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427666 SLC26A3,6 exchange Cl- for HCO3- BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-427570 Group 3 - Selective Cl- transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428625 Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425678 SLC24A1-4 exchange extracellular 4Na+ for cytosolic Ca2+, K+ BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425822 K+-independent Li+/Ca2+ exchanger transport BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-5626316 SLC24A5 exchanges cytosolic 4Na+ for Golgi luminal Ca2+, K+ BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-425661 SLC8A1,2,3 exchange 3Na+ for Ca2+ BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429571 Co-transport (influx) of myo-inositol/D-chiro-inositol and two Na+ ions by SGLT6 BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429663 SLC5A3 (SMIT1) transports myo-inositol (Ins) with Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429101 HMIT co-transports myo-inositol with a proton BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429094 SLC2A6,8,10,12 transport Glc from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429036 SLC2A9 transports Fru, Glc, urate BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-8981570 GLUT4 (SLC2A4) tetramer transports Glc from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429613 SLC5As, NAGLT1 cotransport Glc and Na+ from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-428779 GLUT7 and GLUT11 transport glucose and fructose BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-8981574 GLUT2 (SLC2A2) tetramer transports Glc from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-8981564 GLUT3 (SLC2A3) tetramer transports Glc from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-8981553 GLUT14 (SLC2A14) tetramer transports Glc from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429567 Co-transport (influx) of glucose/mannose and Na+ ions by SGLT4 BibTex
2009-08-24 R-HSA-429581 SLC5A6 transports vitamins from extracellular region to cytosol BibTex
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