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Andrew Mumford

Reviewed Reactions (13)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5591052 PROCR binds Protein C BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5607043 factor VIIIa associates with cell membrane BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5607023 factor IXa associates with cell membrane BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5606996 Soluble PROCR binds activated protein C BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5607058 Activated protein C:PROCR binds F2R BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5607004 Soluble PROCR binds PRTN3:CD177 BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5607002 Activated protein C cleaves factor VIIIa BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5604929 Activated protein C binds Protein S BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5603467 Activated protein C is released from PROCR BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5591040 Activated protein C cleaves Factor Va intermediate form for Factor Va BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5578883 Heparin cofactor 2 (SERPIND1) binds activated thrombin (factor IIa) BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5602080 Protease nexin-1 (PN1) is a specific and extremely efficient inhibitor of thrombin. BibTex
2014-09-11 R-HSA-5591086 SERPINA5 binds activated protein C BibTex
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