Search results for ME2

Showing 18 results out of 183





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Reaction types

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Protein (6 results from a total of 84)

Identifier: R-HSA-4754193
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H3C1: P68431
Identifier: R-HSA-4754197
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H3C15: Q71DI3
Identifier: R-HSA-4754243
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H4C1: P62805
Identifier: R-HSA-5218935
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H3C1: P68431
Identifier: R-HSA-5218930
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H3C15: Q71DI3
Identifier: R-HSA-5229295
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Primary external reference: UniProt: H2AC18: Q6FI13

Set (6 results from a total of 31)

Identifier: R-HSA-5216236
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-5229054
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-5229049
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-5229294
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-5244619
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
Identifier: R-HSA-5244563
Species: Homo sapiens
Compartment: nucleoplasm
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