new logo

As part of the ongoing evolution of our website, we are proud to announce the launch of our new logo. Reactome has grown and evolved over the last 14 years, and we felt it was time for a change.

The new logo brings to the forefront the value and quality of the information and analysis tools that can be found in our curated database of pathways. The layering in our logo highlights the transparency of Reactome’s nature while the rounded typography matches our openness.

Derived from a shape that exists in nature and at the same time gives structure, the logo evokes the idea of discovering by unwrapping the layers of knowledge that surround biological events.

We have refreshed our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future. Rest assured though: our high-quality data and services, and our dedication to you will remain the same!

For more information, please go to Our Logo.

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