N [cytosol]

Stable Identifier
Protein [EntityWithAccessionedSequence]
Human SARS coronavirus
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
12775768 Mass spectrometric characterization of proteins from the SARS virus: a preliminary report

Plummer, F, Jones, S, Flick, R, Wilkins, J, Krokhin, O, Cheng, K, Perreault, H, Bastien, N, Ens, W, Feldmann, H, Li, Y, Standing, KG, Stroeher, U, Simonsen, JN, Andonov, A, Dasuri, KV

Mol. Cell Proteomics 2003
15496142 Identification and characterization of the human ARD1-NATH protein acetyltransferase complex

Baldersheim, C, Varhaug, JE, Lanotte, M, Arnesen, T, Anderson, D, Lillehaug, JR

Biochem J 2005
External Reference Information
External Reference
Gene Names
N, 9a
Reference Genes
This entity regulates
Other forms of this molecule
Inferred To
Name Identifier Synonyms
severe acute respiratory syndrome DOID:2945 SARS-CoV infection, SARS
Cross References
Interactors (25)
Accession #Entities Entities Confidence Score Evidence (IntAct)
 UniProt:P59595 N  9 0.979 43
 UniProt:Q13283 G3BP1  1 0.924 12
 UniProt:P59596 M  10 0.907 19
 UniProt:P63279 UBE2I  9 0.75 12
 UniProt:Q9UN86 G3BP2  1 0.737 5
 UniProt:Q05639 EEF1A2  1 0.691 10
 UniProt:P62937 PPIA  5 0.676 4
 UniProt:P09651 HNRNPA1  2 0.602 3
 UniProt:P24385 CCND1  4 0.576 3
 UniProt:P59637 E  9 0.573 4
 UniProt:P62333 PSMC6  2 0.557 3
 UniProt:P63165 SUMO1  11 0.544 2
 UniProt:O75569 PRKRA  2 0.537 6
 UniProt:P11940 PABPC1  1 0.527 2
 UniProt:Q6PKG0 LARP1  1 0.527 2
 UniProt:Q9BQ75 CMS1      0.527 2
 UniProt:Q8TAD8 SNIP1  1 0.527 2
 UniProt:O75683 SURF6      0.527 2
 UniProt:Q8NCA5 FA98A      0.527 2
 UniProt:Q13310 PABP4      0.527 2
 UniProt:P16989 YBOX3      0.527 2
 UniProt:P61769 B2M  11 0.524 2
 UniProt:P84025  9 0.524 4
 IntAct:EBI-5590670 PGH2      0.524 5
 UniProt:Q14258 TRIM25  2 0.463 2
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