NFKBIA variant is not phosphorylated within IkBA:NF-kappaB

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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Several patients with ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency (EDA-ID) were found to carry mutations in NFKBIA gene, which encodes inhibitor of NFkB alpha (IKBA, IkB alpha or NFKBIA) (Courtois G et al. 2003; MacDonald DR et al. 2007; Lopes-Granados E et al. 2008; Schimke LF et al. 2013; Ohnidi). All human NFKBIA mutations are heterozygous gain-of-function (GoF) mutations that augment NFkB inhibition, causing autosomal dominant disease (Courtois G et al. 2003; Schimke LF et al. 2013; Zhang Q et al. 2016). NFKBIA mutations are either substitutions (S32I or M37K) affecting the phosphorylation of residues Ser32 and Ser36 or nonsense mutations (W11TER or E14TER) (Courtois G et al. 2003; Lopes-Granados E et al. 2008; Schimke LF et al. 2013; Zhang Q et al. 2016). The nonsense mutations in NFKBIA gene causing premature termination codons at positions 9 (Q9TER), 11 (W11TER), or 14 (E14TER) lead to translation reinitiation at an in-frame M37 downstream of the nonsense mutations resulting in the N-terminally truncated variant (NFKBIA F2_M37del) that lacks the critical phosphorylation sites at Ser32 or Ser36 (Lopes-Granados E et al. 2008; Schimke LF et al. 2013; Ohnishi H et al. 2012).The NFKBIA (IkBa) protein variants are expressed but cannot undergo phosphorylation-driven degradation. Disregarding induction signals, they remain constitutively bound to NFkB dimer and freeze the pathway sequestering NFkB dimers in the cytoplasm (Courtois G et al. 2003; Lopes-Granados E et al. 2008; Schimke LF et al. 2013). This has been verified by overexpressing mutant NFKBIA proteins encoded by patient alleles and showing that they override the wild-type protein and block NFkB-induced gene expression (Courtois G et al., 2003). NFkB signaling can be variably impaired in patients with IKBA-deficiency ranging from severe dominant-negative effect of NFKBIA S32I variant comparing to NFKBIA W11TER which results in functional NFkB haploinsufficiency (Lopes-Granados E et al. 2008; McDonald DR et al, 2007).
Literature References
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23708964 A novel gain-of-function IKBA mutation underlies ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency and polyendocrinopathy

Hubbard, N, Notheis, G, Rylaarsdam, S, Repp, R, Hökfelt, T, Schwarz, HP, Albert, MH, Belohradsky, BH, Rieber, N, Torgerson, TR, Puel, A, Picard, C, Cabral-Marques, O, Sombke, SA, Schimke, LF, Renner, ED, Kallmann, L, Kammer, B, Ochs, HD, Casanova, JL

J. Clin. Immunol. 2013
Catalyst Activity

protein serine/threonine kinase activity of CHUK:p-S177,S181-IKBKB:IKBKG [cytosol]

Normal reaction
Functional status

Loss of function of NFKBIA variants:NFkB complex [cytosol]

Name Identifier Synonyms
primary immunodeficiency disease DOID:612 immune deficiency disorder, immunodeficiency syndrome, hypoimmunity
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