botA HC transports botA LC from target cell synaptic vesicle membrane into cytosol

Stable Identifier
Reaction [omitted]
Homo sapiens
Related Species
Clostridium botulinum
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
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Acidification, a normal step in endocytosis causes a conformational change in the botulinum toxin type A disulfide bonded heavy chain - light chain heterodimer (“dichain”) (botA HC:LC) it contains, allowing the HC part of the toxin to function as a channel through which its LC part is extruded into the neuronal cytosol. The HC - LC disulfide bond is cleaved (Koriazova & Montal 2003; Montal 2010). Recent studies in vitro suggest that GT1b ganglioside associated with the toxin may play a role in this process (Sun et al. 2012).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
22720883 Botulinum neurotoxins B and E translocate at different rates and exhibit divergent responses to GT1b and low pH

Tepp, WH, Chapman, ER, Sun, S, Johnson, EA

Biochemistry 2012
20233039 Botulinum neurotoxin: a marvel of protein design

Montal, M

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2010
12459720 Translocation of botulinum neurotoxin light chain protease through the heavy chain channel

Koriazova, LK, Montal, M

Nat Struct Biol 2003
Catalyst Activity

protein transmembrane transporter activity of botA HC:LC dimer:SV2:GT1b [synaptic vesicle membrane]

This event is regulated
Positively by
Name Identifier Synonyms
botulism DOID:11976 Botulism (disorder), Intoxication with Clostridium botulinum toxin, Botulism, Infection due to clostridium botulinum, Botulism, Foodborne botulism, botulism, Botulism, Botulism, Botulism, Food poisoning due to Clostridium botulinum, Botulism poisoning
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