Repair DNA synthesis of ~27-30 bases long patch by POLD, POLE or POLK in GG-NER

Stable Identifier
Reaction [transition]
Homo sapiens
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In global genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER), as well as transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER), the DNA synthesis complex consisting of PCNA, RPA, RFC and polymerase delta (POLD) or epsilon (POLE) complexes performs DNA repair synthesis after the damaged DNA strand is incised 5' to the lesion by the endonuclease complex ERCC1:ERCC4 (ERCC1:XPF) and 3' to the lesion by the endonuclease XPG (ERCC5). Depending on damage-induced PCNA monoubiquitination, DNA polymerase kappa (POLK) is also involved in gap-filling DNA synthesis during nucleotide excision repair (NER) (Balajee et al. 1998, Staresincic et al. 2009, Ogi et al. 2010, Overmeer et al. 2011).
Literature References
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Bohr, VA, Dianova, I, Balajee, AS, May, A

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21282463 Replication protein A safeguards genome integrity by controlling NER incision events

Fousteri, M, Mullenders, LH, Volker, M, Moser, J, Kool, H, van Zeeland, AA, Overmeer, RM, Tomkinson, AE

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Catalyst Activity

DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity of (PCNA:POLD,POLE), (MonoUb:K164-PCNA:POLK):RPA:RFC:Incised DNA without lesion [nucleoplasm]

Orthologous Events
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