BRCA1 M1400V [nucleoplasm]

Stable Identifier
Protein [EntityWithAccessionedSequence]
Homo sapiens
BRCA1 Met1400Val
BRCA1 M1400V [nucleoplasm] icon
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
19369211 PALB2 is an integral component of the BRCA complex required for homologous recombination repair

Sy, SM, Huen, MS, Chen, J

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009
External Reference Information
External Reference
Gene Names
Other forms of this molecule
Modified Residues
L-methionine 1400 replaced with L-valine
A protein modification that effectively converts a source amino acid residue to an L-valine.
A protein modification that effectively removes or replaces an L-methionine.
Name Identifier Synonyms
cancer DOID:162 malignant tumor, malignant neoplasm, primary cancer
breast cancer DOID:1612 malignant tumor of the breast, mammary cancer, malignant neoplasm of breast, mammary tumor, primary breast cancer, breast cancer, Ca breast - NOS, breast tumor
Cross References
Interactors (48)
Accession #Entities Entities Confidence Score Evidence (IntAct)
 UniProt:Q9BX63 BRIP1  2 0.979 33
 UniProt:Q99728 BARD1  13 0.958 20
 UniProt:Q99708 RBBP8  4 0.935 15
 UniProt:Q86YC2 PALB2  20 0.909 27
 UniProt:Q6UWZ7 FAM175A  1 0.86 16
 UniProt:P03372 ESR1  10 0.811 16
 UniProt:Q96RL1 UIMC1  1 0.78 13
 UniProt:O15360 FANCA  2 0.747 5
 UniProt:P51587 BRCA2  20 0.727 8
 UniProt:Q06609 RAD51  2 0.718 6
 UniProt:Q14192 FHL2  1 0.715 6
 UniProt:P16104 H2AFX  7 0.714 4
 UniProt:Q12888 TP53BP1  3 0.7 5
 UniProt:P38398 BRCA1  20 0.65 4
 UniProt:P27694 RPA1  2 0.65 3
 UniProt:Q14676 MDC1  6 0.629 4
 UniProt:P40692 MLH1  3 0.615 3
 UniProt:P46736 BRCC3  2 0.615 3
 UniProt:P78347 GTF2I      0.61 5
 UniProt:Q8WX92 NELFB  3 0.602 5
 UniProt:P63165 SUMO1  11 0.602 3
 UniProt:Q6PJG6 BRAT1      0.602 6
 UniProt:Q61188 Ezh2  1 0.591 5
 UniProt:P61956 SUMO2  6 0.589 2
 UniProt:Q86YA3 ZGRF1      0.584 4
 UniProt:Q9BXW9 FANCD2  3 0.583 3
 UniProt:Q9GZX5 ZNF350  1 0.581 3
 UniProt:P62140 PPP1CB  4 0.581 3
 UniProt:Q16666 IFI16  1 0.556 9
 UniProt:P04637 TP53  20 0.544 2
 UniProt:P03126 VE6      0.544 7
 UniProt:P03129 VE7      0.544 5
 UniProt:Q92560 BAP1  1 0.543 3
 UniProt:Q13085 ACACA  2 0.524 2
 UniProt:P36873 PPP1CC  1 0.524 2
 UniProt:P62136 PPP1CA  1 0.524 2
 UniProt:Q6NZY4 ZCCHC8  1 0.524 2
 UniProt:P11388 TOP2A  3 0.524 3
 UniProt:P10809 HSPD1  6 0.508 2
 UniProt:Q7Z569 BRAP  2 0.508 3
 UniProt:P52292 KPNA2  2 0.508 3
 UniProt:O75330 HMMR  2 0.499 4
 UniProt:Q96SB3 NEB2      0.499 4
 UniProt:Q9ULW0 TPX2  2 0.483 4
 UniProt:Q9NXR7 BRE  2 0.483 2
 UniProt:Q9NWV8 BABAM1  2 0.483 2
 UniProt:P24385 CCND1  4 0.463 3
 UniProt:O14757 CHEK1  3 0.463 3
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