PPARGC1A gene expression is stimulated by EBF2

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Homo sapiens
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PPARGC1A gene encodes peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha, also known as PGC1alpha, a brown/beige adipocyte-specific coactivator of the PPARG:RXRA complex. Based on mouse studies, PPARGC1A gene expression is positively regulated by EBF2 (Rajakumari et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014; Stine et al. 2016). Blnc1 lncRNA, a coactivator of EBF2, also positively regulates PPARGC1A expression (mouse study Zhao et al. 2014; mouse and human study Mi et al. 2017). PPARG, which is recruited to many brown/beige adipocyte genes in an EBF2-dependent manner, binds to regulatory sequences of the PPARGC1A gene (mouse study Pearson et al. 2019), and a synthetic PPARG ligand rosiglitazone stimulates PPARGC1A expression (mouse study Stine et al. 2016). Depletion of EBF2 or DPF3, a subunit of the BAF chromatin remodeling complex that associates with EBF2 at regulatory regions of EBF2 target genes, reduces activated chromatin mark H3K27ac and RNA Pol II at PPARGC1A gene (mouse study Shapira et al. 2017). As direct binding of EBF2 to PPARGC1A gene locus has not been reported, PPARGC1A is annotated as a candidate EBF2 target gene.
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