KRAB-ZFP:retroelement chromatin with H3K9me3 [nucleoplasm]

Stable Identifier
Homo sapiens
Locations in the PathwayBrowser
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
29146583 Comparison of ChIP-Seq Data and a Reference Motif Set for Human KRAB C2H2 Zinc Finger Proteins

Albu, M, Hughes, TR, Lambert, SA, Barazandeh, M

G3 (Bethesda) 2018
25274305 An evolutionary arms race between KRAB zinc-finger genes ZNF91/93 and SVA/L1 retrotransposons

Katzman, S, Haeussler, M, Salama, SR, Haussler, D, Paten, B, Nguyen, N, Greenberg, D, Ewing, AD, Jacobs, FM

Nature 2014
31006620 Hominoid-Specific Transposable Elements and KZFPs Facilitate Human Embryonic Genome Activation and Control Transcription in Naive Human ESCs

Duc, J, Turelli, P, Offner, S, Pontis, J, Jaenisch, R, Planet, E, Coudray, A, Trono, D, Theunissen, TW

Cell Stem Cell 2019
25690854 C2H2 zinc finger proteins greatly expand the human regulatory lexicon

Greenblatt, J, Kim, PM, Mnaimneh, S, Albu, M, Weirauch, MT, Frey, BJ, Schmitges, FW, Radovani, E, Yang, A, Hughes, TR, Garton, M, Najafabadi, HS, Lam, KN

Nat Biotechnol 2015
27852650 Multiparameter functional diversity of human C2H2 zinc finger proteins

Zhong, G, Yin, Y, Campitelli, LF, Greenblatt, JF, Guo, H, Dai, WF, Schmitges, FW, Radovani, E, Emili, A, Hughes, TR, Taipale, J, Jolma, A, Najafabadi, HS, Barazandeh, M, Kanagalingam, T

Genome Res 2016
28273063 KRAB zinc-finger proteins contribute to the evolution of gene regulatory networks

Trono, D, Helleboid, PY, Imbeault, M

Nature 2017
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