TTC19 clears UQCRFS1 fragments from Complex III

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Reaction [uncertain]
Homo sapiens
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N-terminal cleavage fragments of UQCRFS1 are cleared by TTC19, stabilizing the final complex. The process was shown in mouse but the mechanism is unclear (Bottani et al., 2017; Fernandez-Vizarra & Zeviani, 2018). Defects in TTC19 cause mitochondrial complex III deficiency in human (Ghezzi et al., 2011; reviewed in Xuan et al., 2023).
Literature References
PubMed ID Title Journal Year
29243944 Mitochondrial complex III Rieske Fe-S protein processing and assembly

Fernandez-Vizarra, E, Zeviani, M

Cell Cycle 2018
28673544 TTC19 Plays a Husbandry Role on UQCRFS1 Turnover in the Biogenesis of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex III

Dogan, SA, Fearnley, IM, Giordano, C, Harbour, ME, Cerutti, R, D'Amati, G, Ravaglia, S, Viscomi, C, Fernandez-Vizarra, E, Bottani, E, Zeviani, M

Mol Cell 2017
21278747 Mutations in TTC19 cause mitochondrial complex III deficiency and neurological impairment in humans and flies

Diodato, D, Smiderle, C, Mariotti, C, Zeviani, M, Da Re, C, Benna, C, Zordan, M, Costa, R, Lamperti, C, Ghezzi, D, D'Adamo, P, Arzuffi, P, Uziel, G

Nat Genet 2011
37927170 A TTC19 mutation associated with progressive movement disorders and peripheral neuropathy: Case report and systematic review

Li, L, Wu, C, Ruan, J, Lei, X, Gao, Y, Xuan, X

CNS Neurosci Ther 2024
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