DGC complex binds AGRN and HSPG2

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Reaction [binding]
Homo sapiens
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Alpha-dystroglycan (DAG1(30-653)) binds G domain-like sequences in other extracellular matrix molecules such as AGRN (agrin) (Gee et al. 1993; Campanelli et al. 1994; Sugiyama et al. 1994; Yamada et al. 1996; Gesemann et al. 1996) and HSPG2 (perlecan) (Peng et al. 1998; Talts et al. 1999). AGRN is a heparin sulfate basal lamina glycoprotein with roles in the neuromuscular junction (Groffen et al, 1998). HSPG2 is a modular proteoglycan primarily located in the basement membrane of vascularized tissues. It is involved in several developmental processes, both during embryogenesis and in human diseases such as cancer and diabetes (Iozzo et al, 1994). Domain V of the core protein binds alpha-dystroglycan (Talts et al, 1999).
Dag1 knockout mice exhibit severe disruption of basement membranes and embryonic stem cells fail to deposit laminin, suggesting a role for DAG1 in laminin matrix formation (Henry & Campbell 1998). Conditional ablation of DAG1 expression in cultured mammary epithelial cells disrupted laminin-111-induced polarity and beta-casein production, and abolished laminin binding and assembly on the cell surface. Dystroglycan re-expression restored these deficiencies (Weir et al. 2006).
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