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Giorgio Inghirami

Reviewed Reactions (82)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725357 NPM1-ALK-dependent CEBPB gene expression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725030 MAPK1 phsophorylates ZC3HCF1 in a NPM-ALK-dependent manner BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701903 ALK-, STAT3- and MECP2-dependent STAT5A gene repression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701810 MECP2 binds the STAT5A gene BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725338 NPM1-ALK-dependent BCL2A1 gene expression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725023 NPM1-ALK fusion dimer binds SKP1:CUL1:RBX1:ZC3HC1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725345 NPM1-ALK-dependent JUNB translation BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725342 NPM1-ALK-dependent JUNB gene transcription BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725009 NPM1-ALK translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9724090 MYH9- and RNF213-ALK fusions are phosphorylated BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9724099 ALK mutants:p-3Y SHC binds GRB2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700193 ALK mutants phosphorylate SHC1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9710914 ALK fusions bind GRB2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700190 ALK mutants bind SHC BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712082 ALK fusions phosphorylate IRS1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712088 ALK fusion proteins bind IRS BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712087 ALK fusions phosphorylate FRS BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712081 ALK fusions bind FRS BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712086 ALK fusions phosphorylate PLCG1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9710917 ALK fusion proteins bind PLCG1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712085 ALK mutants phosphorylate STAT3 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712079 ALK mutants bind STAT3 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712084 PI3K synthesizes PIP3 downstream of ALK mutants BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712083 ALK mutants bind PI3KCA BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9712078 ALK mutants bind PI3KR1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700186 Autophosphorylation of point mutants of ALK BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700184 Ligand-independent dimerization of point mutants of ALK BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700181 Autophosphorylation of ALK fusions BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700179 Ligand-independent dimerization of ALK fusions BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700658 ceritinib-resistant ALK mutants don't bind ceritinib BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9715357 crizotinib-resistant ALK mutants don't bind crizotinib BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9715355 lorlatinib-resistant ALK mutants don't bind lorlatinib BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700646 ASP-3026- resistant ALK mutants don't bind ASP-3026 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9715356 brigatinib-resistant ALK mutants don't bind brigatinib BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700114 NVP-TAE684-resistant ALK mutants don't bind NVP-TAE684 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700656 alectinib resistant ALK mutants don't bind alectinib BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9667914 ALK binds ligand midkine (MDK) BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-201486 ALK binds ligand pleiotrophin (PTN) BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700662 Liganded-ALK dimer binds type I ALK-binding TKIs BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700131 ALK mutants bind type I TKIs BibTex
2021-05-04 R-RNO-201531 ALK dimerization BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-201519 ALK:PTN dimerization BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700137 ALK:MDK dimerization BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-201521 ALK autophosphorylation BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701524 STAT3 is phosphorylated downstream of active ALK BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725332 MYC/MYCN bind the ALK gene BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701525 p-Y705,S727-STAT3 dimerizes BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701529 p-Y705, p-S727 STAT3 dimer translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2021-05-04 R-NUL-9700145 Active ALK binds Frs2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700142 Active ALK binds FRS2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-NUL-9700161 p-7Y ALK dimer phosphorylates Frs2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700164 Active ALK phosphorylates FRS2 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701485 Active ALK binds JAK3 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701488 Active ALK phosphorylates JAK3 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701507 PTPN6 dephosphorylates JAK3 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725315 ALK-stimulated MYCN gene expression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700200 PTPRZ dephosphorylates ligand-bound ALK dimers BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700120 PTN and MDK bind to PTPRZ BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700121 (PTN,MDK):PTPRZ oligomerizes BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700154 Active ALK binds SHC1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700175 Active ALK phosphorylates SHC1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700156 Active ALK dimer binds IRS1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700168 Active ALK phosphorylates IRS1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701531 p-Y705,S727 STAT3 is acetylated BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701557 AcK685-p-Y705,S727 STAT3 and SIN3A bind the IL2RG promoter BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701556 IL2RG gene expression downstream of ALK signaling BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701534 p-Y705, S727 STAT3 dimer binds HIF1A gene BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701569 ALK- and STAT3-dependent HIF1A gene expression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701537 p-Y705, S727 STAT3 dimer binds CD274 gene BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701549 AcK685-p-Y705,S727 STAT3 and SIN3A bind the PDRM1 promoter BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701548 PRDM1 gene expression downstream of ALK signaling BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701565 HDACs deacetylate p-STAT3 dimers BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9701562 CD274 gene expression downstream of ALK signaling BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700149 Active ALK binds PLCG1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700171 Active ALK phosphorylates PLCG1 BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-201515 Active ALK recruits PI3K BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-201510 PI3K synthesizes PIP3 downstream of ALK BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9725117 ALK gene expression BibTex
2021-05-04 R-NUL-9700661 Active ALK binds Src BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700648 Active ALK binds SRC BibTex
2021-05-04 R-NUL-9700655 Active ALK phosphorylates Src BibTex
2021-05-04 R-HSA-9700647 Active ALK phosphorylates SRC BibTex
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