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Armin Deffur

Reviewed Pathways (14)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9635486 Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9637628 Modulation by Mtb of host immune system BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9636467 Blockage of phagosome acidification BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9636249 Inhibition of nitric oxide production BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9636383 Prevention of phagosomal-lysosomal fusion BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9637687 Suppression of phagosomal maturation BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9636667 Manipulation of host energy metabolism BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9635465 Suppression of apoptosis BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9636569 Suppression of autophagy BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9635644 Inhibition of membrane repair BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9637690 Response of Mtb to phagocytosis BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9637698 Phagocyte cell death caused by cytosolic Mtb BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9637679 Escape of Mtb from the phagocyte BibTex
2019-10-23 R-HSA-9639775 Antimicrobial action and antimicrobial resistance in Mtb BibTex
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