Nicholas G Vincent

Reviewed Pathways (4/4)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2016-01-30 R-HSA-72312 rRNA processing BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-8868773 rRNA processing in the nucleus and cytosol BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791226 Major pathway of rRNA processing in the nucleolus and cytosol BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790901 rRNA modification in the nucleus and cytosol BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/17)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791218 12S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed to yield 5.8S rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791219 32S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed at site 4 (4a) to yield 12S pre-rRNA and 28S rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791223 18SE pre-rRNA in pre-40S particles is nucleolytically processed during translocation from the nucleus to the cytosol BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791222 21S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed at site E (site2a) to yield 18SE pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791221 30S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed at site 1 to yield 21S pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791228 45S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed at site 2 (site 2b) to yield 30S pre-rRNA and 32S pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6791227 47S pre-rRNA is nucleolytically processed at A' (01,A1), site A0, and site 02 (site 6) to yield 45S pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790987 NAT10 acetylates cytidine-1337 and cytidine-1842 of 18S rRNA yielding 4-acetylcytidine-1377 and 4-acetylcytidine-1842 BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790907 Box C/D snoRNP methylates ribonucleotides in pre-rRNA yielding 2'-O-methylribonucleotides BibTex
2016-01-30 R-SCE-6793739 Box C/D snoRNP methylates ribonucleotides in pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790906 EMG1 of the SSU processome methylates pseudouridine-1248 of 18S rRNA yielding N(1)-methylpseudouridine-1248 BibTex
2016-01-30 R-SCE-6790936 EMG1 of the SSU processome methylates pseudouridine-1191 of 18S rRNA yielding N(1)-methylpseudouridine-1191 BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790905 Box H/ACA snoRNP transforms uridine to pseudouridine in pre-rRNA BibTex
2016-01-30 R-HSA-6790944 NOP2 (NSUN1) methylates cytidine-4447 of 28S rRNA yielding 5-methylcytidine-4447 BibTex
2016-01-30 R-SCE-6790942 NOP2 methylates cytosine-2870 of 25S rRNA yielding 5-methylcytosine-2870 BibTex
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