Francesco Raimondi

Reviewed Pathways (2/2)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2021-11-10 R-HSA-9752946 Expression and translocation of olfactory receptors BibTex
2021-08-02 R-HSA-381753 Olfactory Signaling Pathway BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/25)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2021-11-10 R-HSA-9752980 RTP1S:RTP2:underrepresented Olfactory Receptor translocates from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to the plasma membrane BibTex
2021-11-10 R-MMU-9753027 Rtp1s:Rtp2:underrepresented Olfactory Receptor translocates from the endoplasmic reticulum membrane to the plasma membrane BibTex
2021-11-10 R-HSA-9752977 RTP1S and RTP2 bind underrepresented Olfactory Receptors (uORs) BibTex
2021-11-10 R-MMU-9753035 Rtp1s and Rtp2 bind underrepresented Olfactory Receptor BibTex
2021-11-10 R-HSA-9752950 Expression of Olfactory Receptor BibTex
2021-11-10 R-MMU-9753126 Expression of Olfactory Receptor BibTex
2021-11-10 R-HSA-9752951 LHX2, LDB1, and EBF1 bind Olfactory Receptor gene and intergenic olfactory enhancers BibTex
2021-11-10 R-MMU-9753028 Lhx2, Ldb1, and Ebf1 bind Olfactory Receptor gene and intergenic olfactory enhancers BibTex
2021-08-02 R-HSA-9712204 ANO2:Ca2+ translocates Cl- from the cytosol to the extracellular region BibTex
2021-08-02 R-MMU-9714186 Ano2 dimer:Ca2+ translocates Cl- from the cytosol to the extracellular region BibTex
2021-08-02 R-HSA-9712195 ANO2 dimer binds Ca2+ BibTex
2021-08-02 R-MMU-9714790 Ano1 dimer binds Ca2+ BibTex
2021-08-02 R-HSA-9712190 cAMP:olfactory CNG channel translocates Na+ and Ca2+ from the extracellular region to the cytosol BibTex
2021-08-02 R-MMU-9713672 cAMP:olfactory CNG channel translocates Na+ and Ca2+ from the extracellular region to the cytosol BibTex
2021-08-02 R-RNO-9713740 cAMP:olfactory CNG channel translocates Na+ and Ca2+ from the extracellular region to the cytosol BibTex
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