Yoshiakira Kanai

Reviewed Pathways (1/1)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9690406 Transcriptional regulation of testis differentiation BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/36)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692236 DMRT1 binds the FOXL2 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692206 Dmrt1 binds the Foxl2 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692297 DMRT1 binds the WNT4 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692296 Dmrt1 binds the Wnt4 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692228 DMRT1 binds the SOX9 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692268 Dmrt1 binds the Sox9 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692134 Expression of FGF9 in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692136 Expression of Fgf9 in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692129 Expression of PTGDS in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692138 Expression of Ptgds in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692131 SOX9 binds the FGF9 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9692145 Sox9 binds the Fgf9 gene BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9690877 Expression of DMRT1 in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-MMU-9690898 Expression of Dmrt1 in testis differentiation BibTex
2020-10-29 R-HSA-9692154 SOX9 binds the PTGDS gene BibTex
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