Torsten Wundenberg

Department of Biochemistry and Signal Transduction, University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf
Reviewed Pathways (11/11)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1483249 Inositol phosphate metabolism BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855229 IP6 and IP7 transport between cytosol and nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855167 Synthesis of pyrophosphates in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855231 Synthesis of IPs in the ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855215 IPs transport between ER lumen and cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855183 Synthesis of IP2, IP, and Ins in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855192 IPs transport between nucleus and ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855156 IPs transport between ER lumen and nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855191 Synthesis of IPs in the nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855184 IPs transport between cytosol and ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855170 IPs transport between nucleus and cytosol BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/52)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855217 I(1,4,5)P3 transports from the ER lumen to the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855200 I(1,3,4,5)P4 is dephosphorylated to I(1,4,5)P3 by MINPP1 in the ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855186 I(1,3,4,5)P4 transports from the cytosol to the ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855162 I(3,4,5,6)P4 is phosphorylated to I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 by ITPK1 in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855219 I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is dephosphorylated to I(3,4,5,6)P4 by ITPK1 in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855166 PP-IP4 is dephosphorylated to I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 by NUDT4 in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855173 5-PP-IP4 transports from the nucleus to the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855181 I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 is phosphorylated to 5-PP-IP4 by IP6K1/2 in the nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855228 I(1,3,4,6)P4 is phosphorylated to I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 by IPMK in the nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855160 I(1,3,4,5,6)P5 transports from the ER lumen to the nucleus BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855225 IP6 is dephosphorylated to I(1,2,4,5,6)P5 by MINPP1 in the ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855164 IP6 transports from the cytosol to the ER lumen BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855198 5-PP-IP5 is dephosphorylated to IP6 by NUDT(1) in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855165 (PP)2-IP4 is dephosphorylated to 5-PP-IP5 by NUDT(1) in the cytosol BibTex
2012-11-07 R-HSA-1855182 5-PP-IP5 is phosphorylated to 1,5-(PP)2-IP4 by PPIP5K1/2 in the cytosol BibTex
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