Carlos H I Ramos

Reviewed Reactions (7/7)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9709852 MAVS:TOMM70 recruits HSP90:TBK1:IRF3 BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9709831 HSP90 binds TBK1 and IRF3 BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9709842 MAVS binds TOMM70 BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9705320 TBK1, IKBKE are autophosphorylated at Ser172 BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9705137 TBK1 or IKBKE forms homodimers BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9705145 TBK1, IKBKE form homodimers BibTex
2021-04-19 R-HSA-9705323 Phosphorylation of TBK1/IKBKE BibTex
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