Kurt Ballmer-Hofer

Paul Scherrer Institute, Biomolecular Research, Molecular Cell Biology
Reviewed Pathways (3/3)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5218920 VEGFR2 mediated vascular permeability BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5218921 VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420097 VEGFA-VEGFR2 Pathway BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/63)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420202 PLCG1 disassociates from VEGFR2 and translocate to PM BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420121 SFKs phosphorylate PLCG1 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420153 p-6Y-VEGFR2 binds PLCG1 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420117 VEGFR2 autophosphorylates BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-9691215 VEGFA-165 dimer binds VEGFR2 dimer BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5218819 VEGFA dimer:p-6Y-VEGFR2 dimer:PI3K phosphorylates PIP2 to PIP3 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5357479 p-AXL binds PI3K BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5357429 AXL autophosphorylates on Y779 and Y821 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5357432 AXL binds SRC-1 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420206 Phosphorylation of SRC-1 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420140 SRC1-1 binds SH2D2A and is recruited to VEGFR2 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420143 p-6Y-VEGFR2 binds SH2D2A BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-5218852 p-6Y-VEGFR2 binds PI3K BibTex
2014-05-12 R-MMU-5218853 P85-subuunit of PI3K binds p-6Y-VEGFR2 BibTex
2014-05-12 R-HSA-4420099 p-6Y-VEGFR2 binds SHB BibTex
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