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Nishani Rajakulendran

Reviewed Reactions (78)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4411357 TCF7L1/TCF7L2/LEF1:CTNNB1 promote transcription of the MYC gene BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4411367 TCF7L1/TCF7L2/LEF1:CTNNB1 bind the MYC gene BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3299569 Beta-catenin displaces TLE:HDAC1 from TCF/LEF BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201669 Beta-catenin translocates to the nucleus BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201685 Beta-catenin is released from the destruction complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3601585 PP2A dephosphorylates AXIN, APC and CTNNB1 in the destruction complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201691 Phosphorylation of LRP5/6 cytoplasmic domain by CSNKI BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201677 Phosphorylation of LRP5/6 cytoplasmic domain by membrane-associated GSK3beta BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1504186 DVL recruits GSK3beta:AXIN1 to the receptor complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1504188 FZD recruits DVL to the receptor complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1458875 WNT binds to FZD and LRP5/6 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-1458871 mFz8CRD binds LRP6N in vitro BibTex
2014-01-22 R-DME-1504196 dDsh binds dFz2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-1504194 mDvl1 binds FZD7 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-1458902 frog CK1gamma phosphorylates LRP5/6 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769383 CBY1 binds beta-catenin BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769394 AKT phosphorylates CBY1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322431 XIAP binds TLE BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769393 YWHAZ binds p-CBY:CTNNB1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769391 XPO1 binds the beta-catenin:CBY complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322429 XIAP monoubiquinates TLE BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322434 XIAP dissociates from ub-TLE BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3361751 beta-catenin is replaced by repression complexes at the promoter BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3364042 APC promotes disassembly of beta-catenin transactivation complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3364014 Recruitment of SET1 methyltransferase complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201712 Beta-catenin:TCF associates with BCL9 and PYGO BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769392 YWHAZ and XPO1 mediate the nuclear export of beta-catenin BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3772430 CTNNBIP1 binds beta-catenin BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-201717 CSNK2-mediated phosphorylation of DVL BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3772435 WNT signaling stimulates CSNK1-dependent phosphorylation of DVL BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3772434 Phosphorylated DVL recruits PIP5K1B to the plasma membrane BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3772436 DVL-associated PIP5K1B phosphorylates PI4P to PI(4,5)P2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3364026 SET1 complex trimethylates H3K4 at the MYC gene BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3451153 Beta-catenin recruits TRRAP/KAT5 HAT components BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322427 Beta-catenin recruits CBP/p300 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322424 Beta-catenin recruits CDC73 and LEO1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3322422 Beta-catenin recruits SMARCA4 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4411351 TCF/LEF:CTNNB1 bind the AXIN2 gene BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4411372 TCF/LEF:CTNNB1 promote transcription of AXIN2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3451147 KAT5 HAT complex acetylates TCF4 gene at histone H4 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-3451144 KAT5 HAT complex acetylates TCF4 (ITF-2) gene at histone H4 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641134 SMURF2 binds AXIN BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641129 AXIN is ubiquitinated by SMURF2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641256 Ubiquitinated AXIN is degraded by the proteasome BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640862 Tankyrase binds AXIN BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640861 RNF146 ubiquitinates ADP-ribosylated AXIN BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640844 RNF146 binds RibC-AXIN:TNKS complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640858 Tankyrase ADP-ribosylates AXIN BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640874 Ub-RibC-AXIN is degraded by the proteasome BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1504190 DVL is ubiquitinated by CUL3:KLHL12:RBX1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1504213 DVL is bound by the CUL3:KLHL12:RBX1 ubiquitin ligase complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641155 DVL1 is bound by the HECT ubiquitin ligase HECW1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641159 DVL1 is ubiquitinated by HECW1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641260 Ubiquitinated DVL1 is degraded by the proteasome BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-1504193 Ubiquitinated DVL is degraded by the proteasome BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641147 DACT1 binds DVL2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641206 RSPOs bind LGRs BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641236 USP8 deubiquitinates FZD to potentiate WNT signaling BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641253 ZNRF3 ubiquitinates FZD to promote its downregulation BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641249 ZNRF3,RNF43 binds the FZD:LRP5/6 receptor complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641205 RSPO:LGR binds ZNRF3 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641246 ZNRF3 autoubiquitinates to promote its internalization BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769401 DKK and KRM bind LRP5/6 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3772441 sFRP binds WNT3A and inhibits WNT:FZD binding BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-3772439 sFrp binds Wnt3a and inhibits WNT-FZD binding BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769370 WIF1 binds WNTs BibTex
2014-01-22 R-MMU-3769366 Wif1 binds Wnts BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3769397 SOST binds LRP5/6 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-3640872 USP34 deubiquitinates AXIN1,AXIN2 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-5229343 AXIN is phosphorylated in the destruction complex BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4649028 TLE forms non-functional complexes with AES BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-4649029 Gro binds Aes BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-8944349 TLE tetramers bind TCF/LEF at WNT promoters BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-8944352 TCF/LEF binds WNT promoters BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641229 TLE oligomerizes BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-4641231 TLE recruits HDAC1 to WNT promoters BibTex
2014-01-22 R-NUL-3299567 xTLE4 binds HDAC1 BibTex
2014-01-22 R-HSA-5229348 Transcription of canonical WNT targets is repressed by the TLE:HDAC and TCF/CTBP complexes BibTex
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