Lars Hansen

Reviewed Pathways (10/10)
Date Identifier Pathway Reference
2015-12-18 R-HSA-3906995 Diseases associated with O-glycosylation of proteins BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083629 Defective POMT2 causes MDDGA2, MDDGB2 and MDDGC2 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083628 Defective POMGNT1 causes MDDGA3, MDDGB3 and MDDGC3 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083630 Defective LFNG causes SCDO3 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083625 Defective GALNT3 causes HFTC BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083627 Defective LARGE causes MDDGA6 and MDDGB6 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083636 Defective GALNT12 causes CRCS1 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083633 Defective POMT1 causes MDDGA1, MDDGB1 and MDDGC1 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083632 Defective C1GALT1C1 causes TNPS BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5083635 Defective B3GALTL causes PpS BibTex
Reviewed Reactions (15/17)
Date Identifier Reaction Reference
2016-01-15 R-HSA-8851632 GalNAc-T178-FGF23(25-251) translocates from Golgi lumen to extracellular region BibTex
2016-01-15 R-HSA-8851619 GALNT3 transfers GalNAc to FGF23 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5615556 Defective POMT2 does not transfer Man from Dol-P-Man to DAG1 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5615637 POMT1:POMT2 transfers Man from Dol-P-Man to DAG1(30-653) BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5617143 B4GAT1:GYLTL1B transfers GlcA from UDP-GlcA to Xyl-GlcA BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-9638097 B4GAT1:LARGE transfers GlcA from UDP-GlcA to Xyl-GlcA BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5617138 B4GAT1:GYLTL1B transfers Xyl from UDP-Xyl to GlcA-Xyl-GlcA BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5617037 POMGNT1 transfers GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc to Man-O-Ser-DAG1 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-9638090 B4GAT1:LARGE transfers Xyl from UDP-Xyl to GlcA-Xyl-GlcA BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5617096 Defective POMGNT1 does not transfer GlcNAc from UDP-GlcNAc to Man-O-Ser-DAG1 BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5096538 Defective LFNG does not transfer GlcNAc to Pre-NOTCH BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5096537 Defective GALNT3 does not transfer GalNAc to mucins BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-6785668 Defective LARGE does not transfer Xyl from UDP-Xyl to GlcA BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5096532 Defective GALNT12 does not transfer GalNAc to mucins BibTex
2015-12-18 R-HSA-5615604 Defective POMT1 does not transfer Man from Dol-P-Man to DAG1 BibTex
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